From Customer Experience TO Loyalty

From Customer Experience TO Loyalty

The customer experience has become more and more important part of management's agenda. Service companies are finally coming to terms with the fact that customer data is one of their most important assets. When companies ask their customers to share their buying behavior and provide feedback based on their experiences, they gain valuable insights.

Over the years, we have built many loyalty systems. For example, we worked on Museum Card app, NaughtyBRGR's loyalty system, PCKT Money's Mastercard application, etc.

Based on our experience, we can say that the concept of loyalty is different for everyone. For some companies, it is enough to simply ask their customers to download an application and provide some information. Meanwhile, others see their ability to open new sales channels in the consumer's wallet.

Developing loyalty through an app, can be an effective way to start creating a strategic customer experience.

If companies talk to their customers, they can enrich their consumer data, for example, through NPS surveys and other feedback systems. After that, analytics can build customer profiles to support marketing. This information can be combined with customer demographics to help better understand purchase frequency, one-time purchases, and product selection.

It helps to turn the customer experience into a strategic competitive factor for your company. Anticipating and realizing needs and monitoring service levels are the principal competitive advantages for any company in any industry.

Therefore, we encourage you to take these projects together.


Museum card: 5 years later