A few words about recruitment
Devolon Team Building
The IT industry is growing fast! At Devolon, like certainly all companies in the IT industry, we are constantly looking for new employees and developing ways to better hold on to existing talent.
We have gathered our findings on this subject.
Of course, the salary must be competitive. You can get people on better pay than other companies, but if you are not in the best shape in other areas, the experts will not be comfortable for long.
You can get candidates for more reasonable salaries if the company is interesting. But if a company is not known among applicants, it can rarely be of interest to them. It isn't easy to create general awareness in this area.
As revolutionary and advanced as the service is, the spirit of the game is to make it known to the customer. Unfortunately, as a rule, the media only dig up the author's name, and the system does not work.
The most effective way to use awareness is to use your staff.
In our opinion, the essential thing for constancy is a worldview. That is why we draw up a plan for each person who has started working and how he would like to develop with us. Be it a backend, full stack coder, architect, or management position. In addition to development, we support, for example, learning English.
Another issue related to the outlook is the growth of the company. Are we aiming for erred or controlled growth? What kind of customers and projects are coming? Even if information about these does not immediately affect a single coder's work, it creates a sense of security that you know which way the ship is heading.
We also actively encourage employees to give ideas and leads about new customers and reward them.
It is important to have many seniors in the company in everyday work. This creates security - not being left alone with problems - and the example of the more experienced standardizes everyone's work making it more like a process.
The best part of the service provider role is the varied content of the job. Coders face very different clients and influence which technologies they should work with.
And most importantly, success should be celebrated. They should be reported internally and shared with others, even anonymously, unless permission is obtained.